Ultra-sensitive Beta-Lactams/Tetracyclines Combo Test Kit is to be revealed

Jan 21, 2019
Ultra-sensitive Beta-Lactams/Tetracyclines Combo Test Kit is to be revealed

Beijing, Jan 2019 - As long as milk is consumed, the security is never lost focus. Antibiotic residues as one of the important factors that contributed to milk safety a lot, has very strick regulatory requirement, which still evolves as scientific research reveals more. Recently, it has been a trend in several countries that more and more strick MRLs are being established on those veterinary medicines once not so "important". 

RINGBIO has made great progress on the improvement of our Beta-Lactams / Tetracyclines Combo Test Kit, in which the sensitivy and detection limit are greatly enhanced and strengthened. More drugs are extended and detected at MRL or below MRL. It is believed to be the most sensitive rapid test kit for Beta-Lactams / Tetracyclines in the world. 

According to preliminary validation, the kit demonstrated excellent performance both in milk and milk powder samples. The final product is expected to be released on March 2019.