IDF publishes International Animal Health Report 2020

Jul 05, 2021
IDF publishes International Animal Health Report 2020

International Dairy Federation, IDF, has recently released the 2020 animal health report, in which different IDF member countries have submitted their latest work on dairy animal welfare and measurements to maintain a sustainable industry model.

The topics are quite diverse, including multiple flavored enrichments for cows, cow-calf contact after separation, near-infrared online milk spectrometric analyser, heat stress management, control of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis, SCC as marker for udder health management, database based tools to calf rearing, etc. All targeting of establishing excellent animal welfare status for the dairy herd.

Besides, OIE also reported their work on antimicrobial resistance in this report. According to D. Góchez and his team, "the global estimate of antimicrobial agents used in animals in 2016 adjusted by animal biomass, as represented by the quantitative data reported to the OIE from 92 countries, was 144.39 mg/kg". This information is critical to the global effort to promote the responsible and prudent use of antimicrobial agents in animals, and the capacity to measure trends over time.

It is quite clear that now in every country people are paying attention to animal welfare. The status of animals does not reflect the rearing management but also shows the respect to life and our planet. As the participant of the global food, feed and animal health industry, Ringbio has always caring for this. We develop our products to meet the management and production of food and food animals, and we will always keep this as our mission.


About this Animal Health Report

The 14th edition animal health report of IDF provides information and practical insight on the role of dairy animal health and welfare in sustainable development, and best practice welfare that can be implemented in production and non-production systems with quantified results. According to Dr. Caroline Emond, IDF Director-General, the report’s principal aim is to facilitate animal health knowledge exchange; to promote and develop best practices within the dairy sector, and share practical examples and evidence of how animal welfare contributes to sustainable animal management and production.


More information can be found on IDF website