Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dec 21, 2021
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dear Customers and Friends, Partners and Vendors,

It is almost the end of 2021, and we are expecting the new year of 2022 while celebrating the Christmas. Hereby Ringbio team wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Wish all the best to your family, your business and your friends as well.

Since Jan of 2020, the world has been striked by the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily we have each other to get support in this cold season. According to WHO, this whole pandenmic will end in 2022 as people are knowing more and having more measurements against it. We also believe so and consider this is not a dream. We understand that Ringbio can not survive and grow without the support from our friends across the globe. We sincerely thank you all for all the kindness in 2020 and before.

Ringbio, as the major supplier of rapid test kits for food and animal safety testing, is always standing here for our customers and partners. In 2020, we have over 150 staff working for us and have developed more than 150 kinds of new products for animal and food testing.

  • Since June, our Flexy pet rapid test kits and real-time PCR test kits are launched and released to the market.
  • In December, we also release our latest products based on flurescence immunoassay technologies.
  • In December, we also finished the internal development of microbial rapid counting plates, which can be used for rapid testing of microbiology in food and other industries.

With the support from local and international markets, we keep our promose and focus on our specialty as we always do. We strongly believe we can make differences to the industries and make better products for you.

As we look forward to 2022 in this cold winter, we are also wondering  since winter is here, will spring be far away? 


Ringbio team

December 21, 2021