RINGBIO initializes cooperation with China Animal Disease Control Center

Aug 21, 2018

Aug 2018, Beijing – RINGBIO has recently signed agreement with China Animal Disease Control Center to initialize cooperation on animal disease diagnostic kits development and industrialization. The program involves several important viral diseases of pig and cattle, which was targeted to provide local market readily available reagent kits for disease testing, hoping to help local farmers and factories better controlling animal health.

“RINGBIO has been working in animal disease diagnostics for several years and our team are almost from College of Veterinary Sciences, China Agriculture University. We understand both the market need and the technology development.” Said by Mr. YANG, president of the company. “With the help of CADC, we will be able to help more to local pig and cattle farms”. He continued.

As the chief scientists of RINGBIO, Dr. Zhao also commented that with this cooperation, more and more of his works are ready to be examined by the market. Besides the reagents included in the agreement, RINGBIO also develops mink test kits, testing milk Aleutian disease antibody to help mink ranches to eradicate this disease. This product is now already available in the market and has been applied in millions of minks in China, contributed greatly to the profit of local producers.

About CADC - The CADC is affiliated to the Veterinary Bureau of the Agriculture Ministry, which is responsible for the prevention, control and treatment of animal diseases in China. Their website is www.cadc.net.cn